October 28, 2024 @7:00pm
Town Hall Meeting

With October underway, it is time to come together and prepare for the end-of-year activities in a virtual town hall via ZOOM. The agenda items will include the following:

1) State of the Association (projects, finances, and future needs)

2) Update from the Governance Committee on Declaration Covenants Conditions / Restrictions and By law updates

3) Planning of Elections for the Board of Directors

4) Annual Dues

5) Announcement of January Homeowners' Meeting with Placement of New Board of Directors 


New Payment Options for 2025 Dues

Annual / Quarterly / Monthly

As we approach the end of the Fiscal year, the annual membership invoices will be sent shortly. However, because of the Association's improving financial health, and to assist with each of your own personal budgets, we have made the option to pay the Annual Membership Dues/Fees in one of three methods. 1 Annual payment or 9 monthly payments.  

Visit the DUES / Cuotas Link on the top of the page.


Update on Erosion Control

Coming Soon

The Board has managed to obtain a huge amount of "clean" rock/brick to fill in one or both of the areas along the creek at no cost for the rock (saving approximately $2000.00).

However, due to the owner's timeline in donating the rock, the project will likely occur in October.  Upon donation, the Association will obtain the services of a "Bob-Cat" or skid steer operator to place the rock in the designated areas. Once the rock is place, we will then place a top soil/dirt filler on the top which can support grass / or other greenery.  Final completion will be no later than December.  

Coming Soon!!!

Association Mailbox
705 Creek Walk Pl  

To be placed close to the entrance.  This will be used for normal mail as well as surveys, ballots, payments, and anonymous suggestions.

Lawn Service / Community Upkeep

End of Season

With the growing season coming to an end, our lawn services will be reduced to once a month along the exterior perimeter.  However, ongoing upkeep of the grounds and shrubbery will continue with some seasonal additions of plants being placed.  

2025 Board of Director Election

Are You Interested?

With January just around the corner, so is the selection for the 2025 Board of Directors. 

If you are interested in participating as one of the members of the Board***, please let us know by sending an email to board@theotha.comUpon the Secretary's receipt, we will be reaching out to you shortly to add you name to the upcoming ballot for consideration.

As you consider, please review the Useful Info below and visit the Archive for the governing documents.   

***(Election to Board, is restricted to owners that are current residents and do not intend to sell, relocate, or otherwise not occupy the property within the Olde Town Homeowners' Association.


Now Available


2025 Monthly Due Payment Option

You can now pay your annual dues monthly with a subscription, Visit the DUES / Cuotas Link on the top of the page.

Fall is Coming


Cooler Weather for All

This is us: ​Where memories are built and friendships thrive

​Discover Olde Town, circa February 1, 2002, a Not-For-Profit Association in Arlington Texas, with 36 beautiful semi-custom homes. Experience a diverse community, from first to forever homes engaging that develop lasting friendships spanning decades.

2024 Budget

Your Olde Town Association's Operating Budget


Our Budget to Actual Expenditures through September 1, 2024 appear to be on track overall.  We still have the capital projects to fund that will further reduce our budget; however, with three months remaining in the Fiscal Year (January - December) the Association is in good financial health.  

Useful Info

The following link is from the Texas State Law Library that provides useful information on Property Owners' Association.  This is a good reference for all owners to use a for discussions or questions.   PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATIONS.

The Olde Town Homeowners' Association is governed under Texas rules and regulations, including but not limited to Texas Property Code, Title 11,  Texas Property Code 204 Texas Property Code 209, and governing documents to include the Articles of Incorporation, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs), and the By-Laws.  All actions of the Association must be made in consideration of these items and any legal advice obtained.

Our Association has a Board of Directors in accordance with State Code, Title 2; CCRs, and By-Laws of the Association. The Board is an elected body of three eligible individuals for a one year term starting in January of each year. The Board consists of a President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Board conducts the business of the Association to include but not limited to, general maintenance and upkeep, community events, addressing petitions, association and city code compliance, advocates to other entities on behalf of the Association membership, collection of dues, levies, assessments, and the general welfare of the organization.  The Board's powers and authorities are only granted by the members of the Association through the CCRs and By-Laws. No other authority or powers are provided and any action beyond those expressed must be approved by the members in accordance with the governing documents.  

Board and Business Meetings are required to be held no less than annually per Texas Business Organizations Code. In addition to the Texas requirement, the CCRs and By-Laws of this Association require a quarterly Business Meetings. 

Business meetings are prescribed to preserve the State requirements. 

Prior to the meeting, a call for topics will be transmitted to the Association membership and received by the Board prior to the meeting. These items are called "New Business" and will be placed on the meeting agenda in the respective order if received.  A meeting can be held and acted based on a quorum present.  A quorum is defined by the By-Laws for a minimum number of members to be present in person or by delegated authority (proxy). If a quorum is not present, no decisions, petitions, agenda items can be voted upon.   

If you have a  item needing to be discussed, celebrated, shared, petitioned or voted upon, please send the Board the item via email to: Board@theotha.com or  via mail to:  Olde Town, PO BOX 151253, Arlington TX  76015.  

Our Association has three committees that include: Audit, Design (Architectural), and an Election committee.  Each of these committees must have a non-Board member.  The committees are needed to ensure Membership is represented in each of these areas. The By-Laws and CCRs determine the need for each committee and its function.  Other committees maybe formed based on need.  If a committee is needing to be developed, the Board will seek eligible members to participate. There is no restriction on the number of members per committee except one committee member must not be a Director of the Board. 

In the event a committee is not able to be formed for lack of interest, the Board shall fill the needed role and require unanimous consent among the Board of Directors to act in the absence of a committee. 

This Association has an Annual Mandatory Assessment (AMA) of $835.00 (as of January 1, 2024) for all homeowners.  The AMA is for the existing calendar year (this is known as the Assessment Year).  The AMA is due no later than January 31 the Assessment year.  The AMA is authorized under the Texas State Code, CCRs and the By-Laws.  No changes to the Annual assessment can occur without a vote of the members.  

The Board of Directors may seek to levy a Special assessment in the applicable Assessment Year for repair, maintenance, and special projects for the welfare of the Association.  The Special assessment must be voted on by the members in accordance with the By-Laws.

The Board of Directors may impose fines as needed to ensure the general welfare of the community is maintained.  Fines could be, but not limited to, late fees, code violations, required maintenance performed by the Association because of the member(s) negligence.